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Rules For Majors:


* Standard LL international rules

* Consecutive batting order always.  No variation of this rule of any kind.

* All players must play no less than 3 innings in the field.

* LL catching rules—no player can catch after throwing 40 pitches and no player can pitch if have already caught more than 3 innings in that game (One pitch caught in the 4th inning counts as an entire inning.)

* Little League pitch limits based on age (pitch counts should be shared between teams every ½ inning).

* Final pitch counts MUST be logged on the league Google Sheet that SAME DAY.

* No slash bunts.

* All teams must roster a minimum of 11 players.  No exceptions.

* Team rosters are final.  Pool players can be added if needed.  ABSOLUTELY no pool player added to a team should pitch at any point during the game.  A list of each league’s pool players must be shared prior to the start of the season.

* The borrowing of players from another team is never allowed.  You must use your league pool players.

* All towns agree to draft equitable teams (no “A teams” and “B teams”).

* There is no formal time limit on a game.  Umpire will have final call on when not to start a new inning based on darkness.  Please use good judgement on when not to start a new inning.  Player safety is number one priority and playing in dark and unsafe conditions should not dictate the outcome of a game.  7:45pm is a good baseline number to keep in mind.    

* After any official game, both teams will update scores to the designated league website/official for the purpose of keeping league standings current. This MUST be completed that same day.

* Winning team must contact JI to report names/scores.  This should be completed that same day.

* Mercy Rule: The game will end if the winning team is ahead by 10 runs after 4 innings or 8 runs after 5 innings.  There is absolutely no flex to this rule.  Try to play a minimum of 4 innings whenever possible.

A courtesy runner is allowed for catchers if desired.  The runner MUST be the last out of that current inning.

* Home team is to supply game balls.  At least 3 must be provided with the official LL stamp.

* Home team gets the field from 5:15-5:30 for infield/outfield.  Away gets the field from 5:30-5:45.  If the visiting team needs room to warm-up when they arrive, please have your corner outfielder slide over to centerfield for I/O.

* Any rainouts you must try to arrange to play the next day. 

* Any tie for playoff seeding will be decided by coinflip if the season series was a split.

* In the event that any regulation game ends in a tie (called due to darkness or weather), the game will remain a tie in the standings and will not impact win %.  In the event that the tie impacts playoff seeding, the tiebreaker will be runs against. 

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